Qualitas Corpus: list_contents.pl

       ./list_contents.pl [--bin | --sys| --size| --np| --evaluate] 
       ./list_contents.pl --help
Summarise the contents of a sysver in various ways, using the contents detail metadata.

The default behaviour is to list all types that are in the system (match sourcepackages), have both source and compiled forms, and are considered to be distributed


A path to a file containing the metadata file
List those types in the system and in bin
List those types in the system and both bin and src (but do not need to be distributed, unlike the default behaviour).
Provide various system version size summaries - LOC+, NCLOC+, number of system types in both src and bin, number of system types in bin, number of top-level types in bin, number of files with source. (+ This information may not always be available.)
List non-public top level types
List entries with different properties. This is only of use for checking the integrity of the metadata.
This information.
  prompt> ./list_contents.pl --size /opt/corpus/QualitasCorpus-20090202r/Systems/marauroa/marauroa-2.5/metadata/context.txt
  marauroa-2.5    LOC(Both):24108 NCLOC(Both):11354       #Both:170       #Bin:170#Top(Bin):142   #Files:142