Note that once you know the location for downloads, you are welcome to continue to access it whenever you like. So if a new release is made, you do not need to check with us before acquiring it.
The other reason is that New Zealand's international internet connection is only slightly better than a piece of damp string and there are costs involved with its use. All indications are that this isn't a huge problem, but we have been cautious about allowing open slather on the corpus.
However we have had a number of requests regarding using it for dynamic analysis, so we would like to make it more useful eventually. Unfortunately lack of resources mean that this is likely to take a while. As a first step, we have identified those systems that either do not use third-party libraries, or provide the third-party libraries as part of their distributions (see this list). These systems, in principle, should be able to be executed. This information is still in a fairly raw state, so should be treated with caution.
Those who need systems that can execute may like to try other corpora.