Qualitas Corpus Conventions

Naming conventions

All directories containing system code are named as:

A unique name, typically the one used to identify the system (although see the fullname field in the metadata). This name does not contain "-" in it. If the original name does have a "-", then <sysname> will be the original name with "-" replaced with a "_". E.g., eclipse_SDK from eclipse-SDK.
The version, it should be specific as possible and typically will be based on the version identification used to identify the distribution file of the version.

For example, if the compressed file is named openjms-0.7.7-alpha-3.tgz then the <versionid> would be 0.7.7-alpha-3. Note that the exact id string is used, including occurrences of "-", and no "tidying" has been done, such as to make it 0.7.7.

By and large <versionid> should not be changed from what is used by the developers although note that the version identification used by developers is not always what is used for naming the compressed file. In such cases, use what the developers use is what is used in the corpus.